Things in Spring - Nature Experiences for the Season

I love all the seasons and the changes in Nature because of them, but I do have a fave, it's Spring and its the best time to explore Nature. 


I adore Spring, everything about it! All the senses are awakened, the smells, the sights, the sounds, the tastes, the textures are all just SO incredible!

I love experiencing Nature wake up, start new and begin again. Everything looks so fresh, bright, green, colourful, alive and in experiencing Nature become new I feel encouraged to do the same.

So, to help you (and me) connect with the season I've created a list of neat Nature Experiences for Spring. Some just for you and some for you and the kids. Perhaps print the list, stick it somewhere you'll see it everyday and tick things off as you complete them (I love ticking lists!)

  • Watch a sunrise or sunset, they can be so magical at this time of the year. And just think, you are experiencing the Earths rotation away from or towards the Sun, how cool is that!

  • Take a micro-hike in your garden or local park. Take your shoes off, perhaps lie down. Connect up close with all the plants and critters, observe all the new life beginning around you. Look and feel deep into the emerging buds, blossoms, and leaves in their brilliant green.



  • Begin something new. Spring is the perfect time to let go of the old and begin something new. Make a list of all the things you (or your kids) have been wanting to do, pick your top three, now pick one and make a plan to start doing it.

  • Read outside, as the weather warms up it's lovely to read while enjoying the fresh air and the feel of the Earth beneath you. Take a cuppa, a book you've been wanting to read and give yourself the gift of 30 minutes for yourself.

  • Go rock-hopping. Stop on the rocks and search in tiny rock pools (in the rocks). There is SO much life to explore in a teeny-tiny rock pool.

  • Make a bee watering hole. As the weather gets warmer bees are searching for fresh water. Place a shallow dish outside, add some rocks (for the bees to stand on so they don't drown) and some fresh water (clean & change the water often). Viola, you have a bee watering hole.

  • Go on a Spring Nature Walk and search for signs of Spring. Find out how in my Facebook Post here: Nature Library

  • Cloud Watching is a favourite thing to do. Lie back and look up, search the skies for cloud creatures and cool shapes.

  • Climb a tree and sit (or lay) in it. The world looks really different when viewed from a strong tree, let the strength of the tree support you.

  • The skies can be super clear in Spring so head outside and star gaze. Be sure to let the kids stay up and watch with you. Can you spot any constellations, The Pot, The Southern Cross, Orion’s Belt? 

  • Buy some Swan Plant seeds and get planting, ready for the Monarch Butterflies return. The Butterflies will lay their eggs on your fully grown plants and you can observe the lifecycle unfold before your eyes, magic! 

  • Sit in the grass and make a daisy (or any wildflower) chain.


  • Bird Watching in Spring is really fun, there is so much to see and hear. Birds are feeding on flowering plants, listening for worms and chasing each other about. They are busy building nests and feeding their young.

  • Establish a daily rhythm. Just as nature has a rhythm so too can our days. Design your day to include at least 15 minutes of nature connection time and anything else that brings you joy.

  • Plant new life, this is a wonderful time to plant flowers and edibles if you haven't already and enjoy the benefits of them when summer arrives.


So, go on, get outside and explore the season. Tag me @naturelibrarynz in your adventures, I'd love to see what you're up too.

See you outside, Kathy


"It takes courage to say YES to rest and play in a culture where exhaustion is seen as a status symbol" - Brene Brown.