Why go Wild?

Taking time to connect with nature is one of the best things we can do for our own wellbeing, and for our kids.

Time in nature is important to unplug from technology and really connect with ourselves and each other.

Being in nature promotes a sense of joy and wonder. It helps build confidence, resilience, and improves mental, emotional, social and physical health. It encourages creativity and play. When we connect with and experience nature we naturally learn about, understand and fall in love with it, and this love translates to caring and protecting nature, which it needs now more than ever.


Some benefits you might experience during and after one of our Guided Walks and Nature Connection Experiences:


Clarity. Feel calmer, happier, more joyful. Mindfulness - mentally slow down. Unplug from devices.


Stretch and move your body. Fresh air - improves breathing. Grounding to the earth reduces muscle tension and inflammation, increases energy and improves sleep quality.


Re-connect with you. Be truly present. Hear your soul whispers. Slow down. Gain clarity. Connect with like-minded ladies, teams or groups.


Team Building: helps build connections. Develop resilience and improves mental, emotional, social and physical health.

Being in nature promotes calm, clarity and connection with self and others. Nature time boosts creativity and creative thinking, it improves productivity and problem solving abilities and builds healthy, happy, strong staff and teams through shared experiences.

People work better when they feel healthy, happy and connected, and time spent in nature helps develop these feelings and more.

At Nature Library, we have experienced first hand, time and time again, the incredible benefits of connecting with nature, this, is why we run our Guided Nature Walks and Nature Connection Experiences.

We look forward to connecting in nature on one of our guided walks with you soon!